A downloadable game for Windows

A Slow-Paced 3D Metroidvania Game inspired by the idea of the simple idea of exploring the realms of the gods.


A & S - Left and Right Movement
Spacebar - Jump
E - Interact (Can only interact with the Powerup Shrines for now)
Q - Attack (upon 2nd Powerup shoots a Projectile


1st - Vortex Balls (Balls of Wind Pop up in the Level in which you can jump into and press jump again to be thrown upwards.)

2nd - Wind Shot (Activates certain Altars which spawn Pillars of Wind you can ride onto.)

Note: Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish the level and a boss in time... but was a nice experience to learn animation, blender, and some more unreal engine.

Team Members:
- coryduck (me)
- Musician: Twin Pine Studio (https://soundcloud.com/twinpinestudios)


Pilgrimage_win.zip 357 MB

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